Today’s Photo: “Selfies With Purpose”

Today’s Photo: “Selfies With Purpose”

Think of it this way: Because I know how those jersey T-shirt dresses fit me at Pucci — given I like a little breathing room — I could use that information to tell other women of my size and shape what size they should buy. And take lots of pictures of me to show...
Air Conditioning Is Actually Making You Hotter

Air Conditioning Is Actually Making You Hotter

The Northeast of this esteemed country has, if you haven’t heard, been engulfed in a mind-numbing heat wave for the last week or so, and people have basically been leaving half their water weight on the subway platforms of New York City. Sed egestas, ante et vulputate...
Bike Shed: “Cafe Racer Festival” in New York City

Bike Shed: “Cafe Racer Festival” in New York City

The Montlhery Cafe racer festival is a relatively new event in it’s 4th year in 2016, not to be missed. The second part of our weeks’ tour, which totals approximately 1,500km (900 miles) takes us to one of the most impressive automotive museums in Europe: the French...
Un article avec une voiture vintage

Un article avec une voiture vintage

Si vous pensiez que ce site était un véritable site de présentation, inutile d’aller plus loin. Il s’agit d’une plateforme que j’utilise pour toute sorte de tests. Je la casse régulièrement, la réinstalle, bref, je doute fort que vous trouviez...